Yes, you are an integral part of our journey and we would not ever like you to miss us. Hence, We shall keep sharing our activities on social media and in our website's activities section.
Cafe Reed @Mumbai
Raintree @Bangalore
Pune/Mumbai/Bangalore/Hyderabad and still many more to go.....
Exhibitions are not only the medium to showcase our products and fabrics but also meet our Huts and Looms family personally, and we are sure to do more of it.
To keep updated about our upcoming exhibitions, you can call or follow us on Instagram @hutsandlooms.
The best way to multiply your happiness is to share it with others. We at Huts and Looms firmly believe that we grow when people associated with us prosper.
Committed to the socio-economic upliftment of our weaver families, We also don't miss celebrating any special moments with them and making them happy.
Pic: Huts and Looms celebrating Diwali with Weaver families.
We will soon be updating our next exhibition date, stay tuned with us!